
Successful long-term partnerships

The Bluefield Renewable Developments team has a strong track record of successful solar and BESS project development.

We believe in nurturing successful partnerships with landowners. This enhances the productivity and value that we can create for asset owners.

We seek positive engagement with local communities and the local planning authority at an early stage in project development, with environmental management a key focus during the operational phase1.

Why partner with Bluefield?

We partner with you with an aim to enhance the return on your assets whilst considering the local environment.

Successful track record

We have historical experience of successful solar project investment and operation, and offer a 30-year guaranteed land rental income

Low risk

We will cover all costs throughout the project including: legal and professional, planning, grid and build costs


We work to ensure environmental considerations are integrated into the development process and seek to enhance biodiversity benefits where possible

Download the brochure

To learn more about partnering with Bluefield Renewable Developments, please download the brochure.

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Contact the team for more information

If you believe you have an appropriate piece of land we could develop, please get in touch for more information.

07961 705 875

Contact us
  1. 1. In relation to Bluefield’s UK portfolio.

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