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The Bluefield Story – the pursuit of profit, with purpose

2 min read time

Back in 2009 we had a vision – that renewable energy would become mainstream, and Bluefield would be pioneers in the industry. In the last thirteen years we have witnessed renewables rise as a recognised disruptive force in energy and investment markets alike, and we have moved with the times to meet new challenges and opportunities as they arise.

Our story:

Who we are today – why are we different?

Today our affiliate companies span from investment advisory services to asset developers, operators and managers. Collectively they enable us to offer a holistic approach to managing renewables throughout the value-chain.

The coordination of these businesses enables us to create material sustainable value for investors from asset conception through to their completion – be that assets’ long-term management, repowering or sale. 

By actively managing assets across their full lifecycles, these four businesses are able to repeatedly optimise and extend assets’ lifespan, energy production and overall environmental benefit.

We are extremally proud of the market-leading depth and breadth of knowledge that exists across our affiliate businesses. The diverse backgrounds and experiences of our people are united by shared culture, values and behaviours which are focused on how to best serve the assets, environments and communities we are responsible for.

Our open and empowered culture is testament to the dedication and accountability of the people across all businesses. The sharing of information and challenging of ideas is common practice between our sister companies, contributing to informed, rapid and accurate decision making.

As a team we are deeply invested in what we do and the role we can play in combatting our planet’s global climate change crisis.

Corporate responsibility

The forthcoming Bluefield Foundation is something we are incredibly excited about. It will be a great opportunity for us to meaningfully support charities and contribute to initiatives we are passionate about.

Ultimately, we are honoured that all the Bluefield affiliate companies are now players that have not only the ambition, but also the real ability to have an impact fighting climate change through generating profit with purpose – that’s about as fundamental as it gets for any job.


This document is being issued by Bluefield Partners LLP (Bluefield Partners), which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority (the FCA), to provide certain information about Bluefield Partners and its affiliated companies (the Bluefield Group).

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