The prospects for Europe’s battery markets Battery storage is crucial for Europe to meet its 2050 net zero goals and to reduce its dependence… < 1 min
Our approach to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Bluefield developed and launched a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) strategy in 2022 which has been an… 4 mins
Investors need to start thinking about natural capital In conjunction with Guernsey Finance, Bluefield's Group Head of ESG, Emma Silcocks, describes how environmental challenges are impacting… < 1 min
Why nature and renewables are inextricably linked In the inaugural edition of Net Zero Investor's digital magazine, NZI Spark!, Bluefield ecologist Zara Rourke discusses the… < 1 min
The journey from solar to diverse energy investments Speaking with inspiratia, Investment Director Baiju Devani discusses Bluefield's approach to solar, onshore wind, and battery storage. In… < 1 min
Revamping and repowering renewable assets This paper looks at revamping and repowering solar and wind plants, offering insight into the criteria utilised by… < 1 min
Why Europe and why now – the diversity of opportunity At Bluefield, we are fortunate to have the opportunity to speak with investors from across the world, each… 5 mins
More than just buzz Earlier this year, our Old Stone, Romsey and Willows solar farm sites underwent additional habitat works, above and… 4 mins
Why co-location holds the key to energy storage and supply We have evolved beyond standalone and single-purpose buildings (for example wind or watermills used to grind wheat) and… 6 mins
Navigating the Transition to Net Zero. Powering Up Renewables and Taking Urgent Action (Part 3 of 3) As stewards of our world, it's our responsibility to support green energy technologies. These technologies are central to… 2 mins