
Private strategies

For more than a decade, Bluefield has led pioneering deals in the UK and European renewable markets on behalf of all types of investors. Through dedicated private strategies, investors can access the opportunity in renewable energy.

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Public strategies

Investors can access Bluefield’s permanent capital vehicle, Bluefield Solar Income Fund (BSIF), that aims to deliver attractive yield in the form of dividends. The fund invests in UK-based solar, wind, hydro and storage assets.

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How we invest

Our investment team collaborates with the range of renewable energy experts in the four affiliate businesses, from technical engineers, asset managers and developers. This knowledge-sharing supports the ability to make timely, informed and accurate decisions.

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Our integrated expertise has delivered one of the longest and highest performing track records in the sector.

Giovanni Terranova

Co-founder & Managing Partner, Bluefield Partners LLP

Sustainability-related disclosures

Sustainability disclosures relating to funds under advisory.

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Get in touch

For more information on how you can add renewables exposure to your portfolio, get in touch with us.

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